Bacon Wrapped Dates

First I’d like to thank all of you for the messages of concern you sent regarding my mysterious disappearance that left some of you wondering what is going on with me. It is good to know that I have friends out there in the Blogosphere! Thank you!
It was all because of an intense period of preparation and practice for a Broadway musical called The Wedding Singer, where I was hired to play (loud) guitars in the orchestra (band) pit. Although it was a fun experience, sounded extremely well, it was a strenuous time for me because I had to learn about 23 songs by sight reading which proved me to be a little rusty since I am more of a guitar player that plays ‘by ear’ than after a score, etc. But hey, I pulled it off, and here I am ready to do some cooking!
This brings me to my second point and more relevant for this blog:
Blanket For Dates!
Remember last year’s 40st B-Day present from my wife, the class for Irresistible Hors d’ oeuvres at Chicago’s Chopping Block cooking school? Well it turned out to be a blast. It was a nice night, we prepared interesting Hors d’ Oeuvres, but one of them really irresistible me. They were the bacon wrapped dates.
A delicious finger food appetizer that’s very easy to prepare. Here is the recipe with simple tips.
It all starts with a list. Depending on how many you want quantities can increase or decrease. Play it by ear as guitarists (ahem) would say. I successfully fed a crowd of 12 people with these amounts:
1 pack of Bacon (anything but Corn King – read later)
40-50 pcs Pitted Dates (one medium sized pack)
4 Scallions chopped
Cream of Balsamic (I am using the Isola brand)
Wooden toothpicks
Use your favorite bacon brand for this recipe. I am using a brand called Dutch Farm Lean Bacon because has a nice thin cut, with excellent balanced meat/fat strips. The thin slice will make wrapping very easy. Unlike the Corn King that has a somewhat thicker cut and to be honest it does taste like animal (sort of a farmey smell if you get my drift).
The highlight on this recipe is the Cream of Balsamic. I was introduced to it by the folks at The Chopping Block, and was lucky enough to find the same brand in my ethnic grocery store we usually go (Valli Produce). Cream of Balsamic is a sweet/sour thick syrup that goes well on any dish from salads, meat appetizers and even desserts.
Start off by cutting 5-7 strips of bacon in thirds, and use one third for each date. Wrap each one of them, (seam down), pin it with a wooden toothpick and place them in a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.
Into the oven they go at 375 F for about 15-20 minutes. Place the dates on a plate and ornate with the chopped scallions, and Cream of Balsamic drizzles.
A Little Improvisation
Along with the dates, I tried bacon-wrapping on dried apricots and figs. Interesting twists I might add. But in the end what does NOT taste good wrapped in bacon?!?
Oh wow! These look absolutely amazing! (And so glad you’re back! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures!)
a.k.a. The Hungry Mouse
Seems we are all bacon crazy these days… Looks wonderful
Thanks Jessie!
it is good to be back and cooking/blogging again!
I went to a cookie exchange in Dec. where the hostess made bacon wrapped dates. She stuffed them with Boursin cheese. They were dangerously easy to pop into my mouth and were soooo good. I’m glad to find your blog!
I’m glad your back, and you were on Broadway while you were away, how cool is that!
Thanks for the recipe, I love dates and figs (and of course, bacon). I’ll be on the lookout for the cream of Balsamic!
The balsamic syrup adds a whole new and upscale twist to bacon wrapped dates. I love the idea.
Loooooove these! We’ve made them before and people can’t get enough.
yum! I love bacon!
I got to try some of these so I can attest to the fact that they are amazingly delicious! The sweet date and salty bacon go together perfectly!
I am all out of dates but I have made a note to myself to pick some up tomorrow! Looks amazing Gabi!
I love bacon-wrapped dates.
I love these but my personal favorite is bacon wrapped chicken livers. You roll them in brown sugar first and they are fantastic! I hope Chicago is getting the wonderful sunshine today. It’s gorgeous here!
Should I visit Romania to eat this?
It looks so delicious !!!
I copy this receipt and will prepare it for the weekend. Thanks for sharing it!
Love this little things…no matter how they come, they’re good.
Joie de vivre:
Boursin cheese filled bacon-wrapped dates! Voila – a new creation! I suspect you REALLy need a tight wrap at that point as cheese tends to melt, run out and brown-burn (depending on how lonk you keep them in the oven).
I can get the Cream Of Balsamic at my grocery store for $7. There are certain brands but ISOLA stuck with me. Also there are several flavors of it too.
The Cream of Balsamic brings the appetizer from 2D to 3D (if not more).
The Duo Dishes:
Yes – they are dangerously delicious. To the point that people get their fill before the main course arrives.
There’s more to come! π
I will need your Greek gourmand wisdom insight in choosing the right type of dates for my next batch!
Whoa! Chicken livers bacon-wrapped?? Now that’s something intriguing! Will have to try it! Thanks for the comment!
Bay Area Foodie:
Thanks for the comment!
Thanks for the comment also!!
Addicted To Life:
You are welcome! Nope – really you don’t have to visit Romania for this. I suspect there aren’t many there that made this recipe. I might me wrong.
π long time ago I planed a trip to Bucharesti, but still haven’t been there. I want to visit this country! I have visited all balkan countries, end of this summer I make a vacantion in Turkey π
I think our history and traditions are very reach and interesting and everyone in this region has to eat dishes & listen music π
is moussaka from turkey, greece, bulgaria, romania, macedonia or serbia?
Turkey is beautiful and every footprint of land there is FILLED with history!
Hard to tell that about Moussaka – I tend to say Greek – but I am sure it is like with “sarmale” – same dish but different names in different regions –
Check with the Greek Gourmand. He is the voice in Greek cooking.
This looks SOOOOOOOOO AMAZINGLY GOOD! I have to make this for my family! They will love me forever! haha Bacon wrapped anything gets me happy!
wow!! this is sooo brilliant.. vat a beautiful place. nice shot!!
Bacon-wrapped prunes (same idea, different fruit) are called Devils on Horseback in the UK. A staple drinks party canape in the 1970s. Yum. I particularly loved it when my mother left them in the oven a bit too long and they went crunchy and sticky. Super-yum.
Love the idea of stuffing the fruit, though – will try next time.
Arabella – thanks for the reply!
WHOA! How clever! Never tried with prunes before! Now guess what I am doing tonight!
Devils on Horseback? Wonder why that name? Hehehe –
Well seems like it a variation of Angels on Horseback. Bacon wrapped oysters. Also some digging revealed english version to stuff the date with a mango chutney. Mmmmm bacon, the magical animal !
What would the world be without bacon? Maybe a baked potato – lol.
U can easily make the syrup buy boiling down 2 parts balsamic with 1 part honey over a low indirect heat with a bit of sea salt. I stuff em with whipped goat cheese (fresh farmers goat cheese whipped with buttermilk and Orange zest)
Customers love it, Prep Cooks hate it (pitting dates is not fun or fast)
thanks for the comment. the only thing is that you will have to do this outside otherwise you’ll stink up your whole house. Boiling balsamic is stinky!