
I got Interviewed By The Hungarian Girl!

I got Interviewed By The Hungarian Girl!

Suzanne Urpecz (aka The Hungarian Girl) one of the reference voices and food bloggers in Hungarian, Central and Eastern European cuisine, took an interview with me that is featured on her blog.

Mamaliga on Foodbuzz Spotlight!

Mamaliga on Foodbuzz Spotlight!

Mamaliga’s main chef Gabi Bucataru was featured on the main page of the online foodie community, and exciting social networking that’s all about cooking, sharing, and getting to know more people who are passionate about food!

The Inauguration!

The Inauguration!

I am just glad I got to live to see this historic event!!!!

Welcome To Mamaliga!

Welcome To Mamaliga!

The Mamaliga blog is dedicated to my latest passion – cooking – Romanian cuisine with tangential subjects like culture, Romanian diaspora, music, cooking videos, recipes and such. Hope you’ll find it interesting!