Kitchen Revamp (Day 3 and 4)

cat-and-finished-floorBasically two days of lightly sanding and then applying oil-based polyurethane. All wrapped up in no more than one hour in the morning, then left to dry at least 24 hours.

In the end, we were happy with the resultsย  – the floor blended in with the “imperfection” of the dinning room floor and character of the old house.

Even our cat was happy to finally be able to walk through the kitchen to get to his litter-box. poor guy had to stay either isolated upstairs, or down in the basement.




I wasn’t idling all these days of course so I used the time to start putting together the IKEA cabinets – that was pure fun for me. They are all very cleverly designed and it didn’t take long to have them all assambled! Once put together they were very strong and sturdy.



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5 thoughts on “Kitchen Revamp (Day 3 and 4)”

  • Bravo, Gabi! The floor looks great, and the shot of the cat is priceless! lol As for the IKEA cabinetry, I am curious to see the finished product. I will reserve judgment until then. ๐Ÿ˜‰ All kidding aside, looks like you manned up and I’m proud to call you my friend.

  • Adrian: Thanks for the comment. I can see that putting together an IKEA product can be a challenge for most – even if they make it very accessible and flexible, there are still many out there intimidated by there mere thought of driving a nail with a hammer.

    Sam: Thanks! Very wise! ๐Ÿ™‚ You indeed should reserve judgment as I still need to fit the doors (they didn’t arrive yet). But as of now all the cabinets are in place including the butcher-block counter top aligned to perfection, despite the un-even walls! That’s me next post.

  • Probably the most important aspect of a kitchen remodel is choosing the floor plan. When deciding on how to lay out your kitchen, you should really take the time to think about how your family uses the space and pick a plan that will be most functional for you.

    The floor plan in a kitchen consists mainly of the cabinets and island and perhaps a separate eat in area. I think your floor plan is good.

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