Radio La Gong

I am quite positive that all of us have other fun things we like doing or occupying our minds besides cooking. Some do ballet (no, not me – heh), some backpacking, video gaming, geocashing, snorkeling, and so on.

I find myself playing the guitar quite bit these days, and digesting lots of music these days. In addition to that I am planning on hosting a once per week radio live broadcast on certain American obscure bands that are worth a listen on a listener supported Romanian online radio called Radio LaGong.

Radio LaGong is one of the projects started by my dear friend Emil Kindlein from my hometown in Romania – Timisoara – who owns a non-profit Cultural Association called Deocamdata (it means “for now”), trying to influence the youngsters there through music, concerts, and newly this online radio show.

There are daily shows with several different hosts, and topics, mainly music, live concerts with Romanian bands, but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) for English speakers – all in Romanian.

Since Emil invited me to participate with something from this side of the ocean, I’ll soon be hosting a weekly Live broadcast show called “Voltage 120 AC“, where hopefully present some of the aforementioned obscure Amercian bands and introduce to the Romanian (and all over the globe for that matter) listeners some of the musical indie, underground “currents” that are worth a listen from this continent. Thus the title “Voltage 120 AC“.

So, if you feel like it, subscribe to Radio LaGong’s blog, and you will notified when my show will start! Here is your chance to learn a foreign language! Confess it – you always wanted to do that!

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5 thoughts on “Radio La Gong”

  • Gabi, how the heck are you? Where are you? I guess now that you are a radio celebrity you have forgotten us little people who so much enjoyed visiting your blog for the latest and greatest in Romanian culinary adventures and lore. Please come back! We miss you. 🙁

  • Hi Sam!

    I am here and well! Thanks so much for your concern! hehe – nope I am not a radio celebrity and I don’t think I’ll ever be, But hey! I am “famous in Europe” – Lol…
    And I am still one of the little people – sort of enjoying that! And I have a ton of ideas for culinary posts (romanian or not) but I yet need to find the time to get to them. I will be back – no worries – Muhuhuhahahahaa!

    Thanks Sam!!


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