Tag: appetizer

Homemade Black Olive Tapenade

Homemade Black Olive Tapenade

Pack your bags, we’re going on the sun-soaked shores of the Mediterranean Sea and making tapenade today—the sublime spread of black kalamata olives, sun-dried tomatoes, and various additions. This bold dip usually goes immensely well on sourdough bread (toasted or not) and other dishes like […]

Polenta Crostini with Mushroom

Polenta Crostini with Mushroom

For this week’s recipe, we’ll make Polenta Crostini with Mushroom Crostini, a golden, crisp polenta medley topped with sauteed mushrooms and fresh herbs. This appetizer effortlessly combines rustic simplicity with gourmet elegance, promising a delightful burst of flavors in every bite. Perfect for any occasion, […]



TABOULEH If you’re like me, you probably associate summer with fresh salads of all sorts, straight from your garden. One of these is Tabouleh (Tabbouleh) which packs major key veggies and herbs like cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley, and onions. On top of this, Tabouleh is a fusion of all Mediterranean and Middle Eastern flavour highlights. My extra additions, garlic and caraway. Try this recipe, and you’re welcome!

Home Made Tabbouleh

2 bunches flat-leaf parsley, (leaves only) finely chopped
4 tomatoes finely chopped
2 green onions finely chopped
3 Persian cucumbers finely chopped
2 sprigs of mint leaf chopped
½ cup Uncle Bob’s Mill bulgur
¼ cup lemon juice
¼ teaspoon minced garlic
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
2 Tb evoo
Salt and pepper to taste

Freshly made Tabbouleh

Mushroom Pastry

Mushroom Pastry

It all started with the ridiculous amounts of mushroom I usually buy from the grocery store. I always over estimate the quantity for mushroom consumption in our family. So, as it is with all those brilliant ideas, when stars align and you have just the […]

A Birthday Menu

A Birthday Menu

As every caring husband would do, I wanted to get the perfect Birthday gift to my dear wife, cooking the perfect meal, make her day, etc., and as every procrastinator husband does, I realized half day into it that I did NOT have a plan!