Tag: dough

Mushroom Pastry

Mushroom Pastry

It all started with the ridiculous amounts of mushroom I usually buy from the grocery store. I always over estimate the quantity for mushroom consumption in our family. So, as it is with all those brilliant ideas, when stars align and you have just the […]

Roll Your Kaiser

Roll Your Kaiser

Look, this is not the healthiest breads of all, but sure makes a killer sandwich. Also thought it was time to dust off my Bread Baker’s Apprentice book and take on a new bread baking challenge.

BBA Challenge – Ciabatta Bread

BBA Challenge – Ciabatta Bread

ciabatta bread

Since it started, I’ve been wanting to spin off my participation in Nicole’s Bread Baker’s Apprentice Challenge – an ambitious project to bake myself through Peter Reinhart’s book with the same name. Finally, I have my hands full of sticky dough up to my elbows. This week’s challenge is Ciabatta Bread, a North-Western (Liguria) Italian invention that literally means carpet slipper because of its typical shape that resembles it.


Croissants – A La Julia Child

Croissants – A La Julia Child

How to make Croissants – in honor of my culinary hero Julia Child – and the Julie and Julia movie release on August 7 about her life.