Tag: Romania

Cranberry Walnut Celebration Bread

Cranberry Walnut Celebration Bread

This bread involves heaps of dried cranberry (9 ounces to be precise), that paired with walnuts, scream “Christmas”, and tastes pretty darn close to Panettone (texture & taste) which we usually associate with this time .

Crepe Recipe Song

Crepe Recipe Song

So, what happens if you like to cook, you like writing songs and like video-production? You might start singing about recipes and post them in a videosong. Which just happened with me. It’s a practical song that you can actually cook! Crepes Recipe is the debut song from a collection of videosongs I plan to post in an album called “Kitchen Tunes”.

Radio La Gong

Radio La Gong

I am quite positive that all of us have other fun things we like doing or occupying our minds besides cooking. Some do ballet (no, not me – heh), some backpacking, video gaming, geocashing, snorkeling, and so on.

I find myself playing the guitar quite bit these days, and digesting lots of music these days. In addition to that I am planning on hosting a once per week radio live broadcast on certain American obscure bands that are worth a listen on a listener supported Romanian online radio called Radio LaGong.

Radio LaGong is one of the projects started by my dear friend Emil Kindlein from my hometown in Romania – Timisoara – who owns a non-profit Cultural Association called Deocamdata (it means “for now”), trying to influence the youngsters there through music, concerts, and newly this online radio show.


Visit To Romania

Visit To Romania

Mititei or also known as Mici (translated meaning the plural for little, very small) is nothing else but the Romanian version of the glorious hamburger in America.

Peanut Cakes, Anyone?

Peanut Cakes, Anyone?

I get a kick out of imported goods translations in English on their labels. You can see their native marketing department trying hard to come up with a decent convincing phrase.

The Dracula Myth

The Dracula Myth

It’s Halloween here in Chicago. And since Romania is (generally speaking) widely known in the U.S. for its orphanages, sometime the televised Revolution of 1989 when the dictator Ceausescu was overthrown, but most of all for Count Dracula of Transylvania, I thought of at least clear off the smoke of confusion for some.


Sarmale Recipe Success!

Sarmale Recipe Success!

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, What looked like a failed cooking afternoon turned around unexpectedly into a success story. The Sarmale (stuffed cabbage rolls) turned out as it should – the rolls didn’t fall apart, they remained stiff, retaining their initial shape, the taste was full […]

Pondering Sarmale (stuffed cabbage)

Pondering Sarmale (stuffed cabbage)

No, I am not your typical Romanian. I never ever made sarmale in my life! In fact my wife who is American made sarmale and they actually tasted better than in Romania! Heck, what is wrong with me?? They are known in the West as cabbage rolls or stuffed cabbage.

The Demon Of Draft

The Demon Of Draft

While growing up in Romania for 33 years I got to assume certain beliefs as being undoubtedly right and incontestable. It took a wife from the American continent to pull these things out of me and bring things into the light sometimes with a good laugh. Hope these will at least ease your day.


Organic America

Organic America

This whole organic food concept cracks me up sometimes. There is a multi-billion industry built on it. The modern American culture became so “fat hydrogenated” that produced a whole anti-movement (rightly so) to bring back the original food production standards of natural cooking.