Wordless Friday – Shish Kebobs

Shish Kebob, Avocado Salad & Red Wheat
Shish Kebob, Avocado Salad & Red Wheat

I thought of adding a weekly Wordless Friday post (following the same concept from my foodie pal Nicole from her Pinch My Salt blog, to just photograph the dish with no text added, etc.), mainly to keep a track of my meals, that I cook for the house every Friday. Who knows, over time it might become an inspiration for the days you and I need to cook and have no ideas what to prepare.

Fridays are very interesting days for me. Sometimes, if I think ahead (which I usually don’t) and have time to run out to get all the ingredients needed I can I follow a recipe by the book, but often is just tweaking off the original theme. Sometimes just pure improvisation based on what’s left in the kitchen. Very much like with jazz.

If you find something that might look interesting to you, let me know and I will send you the recipe. I only hope I’ll remember it!

Avocado Salad, with goat cheese dressing:

Avocado Salad

Pressure-cooked red wheat:

Red Wheat

Various barbecued shish kebobs (beef, bacon-wrapped mushroom, vegetables and beer-bratwurst):

Shish Kebab Grilling

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5 thoughts on “Wordless Friday – Shish Kebobs”

  • Gabi, just checking in to see what’s cooking, I hadn’t heard from you in a while! This looks amazing, especially the red wheat! Hope you are having a great summer!

  • Beautiful, Gabi! I love every element of this meal. The ingredients, the textures, the flavours, the colours, everything, everything! Simply a delightful dinner; healthful, tasty, and satisfying. Very nice.

  • Cynthia: Thanks for the comment! I ALWAYS make more than it is needed! Be my guest!

    Banu: Now – that’s the place where I actually should take some lessons in how to make shish-kebobs!

    Heidi: Thanks for the comment! Yep! I am back in the cooking saddle (I don’t think I could be thrown off this horse, or even if I do, I’ll climb back with bruises and all 🙂 Love this summer – thank for stopping by!

    Sam: Thanks also! Yep – colors matter much since it is the eyes that first hit the dish. Or is it the nose??

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